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Applied Psychological Services Clinic

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Applied Psychological Services Clinic

The Applied Psychological Services Clinic (APSC) is located in the College of Liberal Arts on the 3rd floor, Suite 327 and occupies approximately 1,800 sq. ft. of space. Its layout includes two furnished therapy rooms and two assessment rooms with one-way mirrors, an observation room, a waiting room, two offices, a group therapy room, and a graduate clinicians’ laboratory. The clinicians’ lab, equipped with five (5) computers, 4 printers, and a copier is located behind the front office desk. The lab space is a restricted area and only clinic staff and Clinical Psychology Trainees (CPT’s) are allowed in this area.

Clinic Phone # 601-979-3381  (E-mail is not for urgent or emergency messages. If privacy is essential or if this is urgent, please call 911 in an emergency. The APSC cannot guarantee the integrity and security of electronic communications.)

When to consider using the APSC Clinic?

If you need Psychological Testing (IQ, ADHD, Learning Disability, Achievement, Personality, or other) or

If You Are Feeling or Experiencing: 

  • Depression or Sadness
  • Anxiousness or Nervousness
  • Anger? Uncontrollable Anger
  • Exaggerated Fears
  • Sleeping and /or Eating Difficulties
  • Panic Attacks
  • Severe Grief Reactions
  • Troublesome Thoughts
  • Severe Reactions to Life Stressors
  • Other Life challenges and Emotional Issues